Thursday, February 14, 2013


So today I became the not-so-proud owner of a pair of crutches. It wasn't a Valentine's Day gift - unless the urgent care doctor has a secret crush on me & it was the best thing he could find on short notice.
Seriously though, being on crutches is a truly humbling experience and I am totally not the girl who asks for help. I was slightly frustrated when the nurse insisted on walking me to my car to make sure I didn't fall (although he was hot, so bonus). Then, at work, I had to have someone carry by back pack for me, open doors and get me a foot rest. I didn't really have a choice. These aren't things I can do for myself right now.
The crutches are my real life metaphor. No matter who you are, there are always going to be things that you can't do for yourself. It doesn't matter how smart, creative or funny a person is, everyone has limits. Personally, I find it difficult to ask for help. I have thoughts of not being worthy of being helped, fears of being a burden and a belief that asking makes me selfish. Today, however, no one who helped me acted as if any of that was true. In fact, the responses were completely opposite. So maybe asking for help doesn't have to be quite so scary.

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