Sunday, February 17, 2013


With many dogs in my house and many activities that take up my time, sometimes its hard to remember that I need to take time to rest. My friends have similar issues as I discovered recently when one sent me a text saying "I'll rest when I'm dead". However, having a sprained ankle & foot has definitely slowed me down. I didn't realize I was doing too much until I woke up this morning to discover my foot/ankle swelling up again - the result of doing too much yesterday. So today I basically stayed in bed. What I discovered was kinda cool.

One of our dogs is a natural cuddler. He doesn't just want to lay on my feet or legs. He wants to be right up against me whenever possible. In fact, his new favorite position is to have me on my back, right arm outstretched so that he can lay on that arm and snuggle his head on my shoulder. He also like to stretch out one of his legs so that he has a paw resting in the palm of my hand at all times.

We spent several hours like this today and I realized something. As much as he needed me to comfort him, I needed to be needed. So we slept and listened to BBC radio. He had running dreams and I laughed at his sleep-barking. We both found what we needed and were needed in return and we both rested.

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